Write the transform method
for a Transformer whose rule is to double whatever string it is given.
For example, if it is given "Hubba",
it returns "HubbaHubba".
Write the transform method
for a Transformer whose rule is to take a Rose-Hulman student's first,
middle and last names as separate parameter inputs, and return the student's
system username.
Recall that RHIT usernames are the first six letters
of the student's last name followed by their first and middle
(Ignore the issues of duplicate usernames,
as from John Axon Smith and Jill Aggy Smith.)
Write the entire class
for a Transformer that welcomes new
students to school by producing a message
like "Welcome to Rose-Hulman Andy."
The Transformer's transform method is only
given a single parameter, the individual's name.
However, the Transformer should be designed to make it possible to
work for any school.
Write the transform method
for a Transformer whose rule is to take a String
and return that String but with the first half all in
upper case and the last half all in lower case.
(If the String has an odd number of characters, the middle character
should become lower case.)
Hint: you are allowed to use the parameter name more than once
in the body of the method.