What is version control? Why use it? How do I use it?

See the lecture notes, but briefly:

Checkout a project as follows:

This example uses the JavaEyes project; do other projects in a similar fashion, just changing the Module.

You should have a folder called projects (or some such name) in a sensible place below My Documents. If you don't have such a folder, create one now.

  1. If you are working on this module with a partner, do Step 0 ONCE at the beginning of your work on that module:
    1. Decide whether you will use your repository or your partner's (either is fine)
      • In the following instructions, let's suppose that:
        • smith and jones are partners
        • They are using smith's repository
        • smith is in section 1
    2. Smith: Start up Wake and access MyComputer's G: drive that results.
    3. Smith: Browse to your repository:
      • When you do this, use your own section number and your own username
    4. Right-click on the JavaEyes folder beneath cvshome and then:
      • Select AFS ~ Access Control Lists
      • Add jones and give jones full rights to this folder (i.e., check all the boxes)
    5. Repeat the previous step for each of the subfolders of JavaEyes. It has 3 subfolders:
      • classes
      • docs
      • docs/resources

  1. Right-click on your projects folder and select CVS Checkout...

  1. In the window that appears, fill in the following slots as indicated.

    Slot Value to place in that slot
    Protocol: Secure shell (:ext:)
    Server: sliderule.rose-hulman.edu
    Repository folder: /class/csse/csse120/turnin/section1/smith/cvshome


    • Replace the section (section1) and username (smith)
    • by the section and username of the partner who will maintain this module
    User name: Type your username (all lowercase letters) (e.g., jones)
    Module: JavaEyes

  2. Select the OK button.

  3. Every time that you are asked to enter your password, do so.

  4. You should eventually get some messages in green, indicating a successful checkout.

    Now the project should be checked out, and hence on your laptop. It should be colored green, to indicate that it is under CVS control.