- Partner A: Open your JavaEyes report.
Partner B: Open your JavaEyes project.
- How to open a project's report
- How to open a project
| To open a project's report:
Double-click on the JavaEyesReport.txt file in the project's docs subfolder.
- For projects that we create, we will put the report file in the docs subfolder.
- For projects that you create, you will put the report file in the docs subfolder.
To open a project:
Click on the .jcw (JCreator Workspace) file in the project's folder.
Question: What time is it now?
(Later we will ask you how long you spent on Part 1 of JavaEyes.)
- Begin using your JavaEyes report
Put all answers to
Question: stuff in the JavaEyesReport.txt file that you found in your docs subfolder.
- Compile your project.
- What it means to compile a project.
- This converts the program code from the version we can see (text in a high-level language)
into a version the computer can understand (machine code).
- How to compile a project
- Go to the Build menu, and select Compile Project (alternatively, you can simply press F7).
- A successful compile will finish with the words Process Completed in the text window at the bottom.
You shouldn't see any error messages. If you do, please ask an assistant for help.
- Execute (run) your project.
- What it means to execute (run) a project.
- How to execute a project
- Go to the Build menu, and select Execute Project (alternatively, you can simply press F5).
- When you run the project, a window with eyes should appear.
Move your mouse around in the window and watch the eyes follow it.
When you're done playing with JavaEyes, select the Quit button to close the application.
- Note: when you run the application, you should see two messages in the bottom pane of JCreator.
(One appears when JavaEyes starts, the other when you quit JavaEyes.)
If the messages appear in a separate MS-DOS window instead,
then you have not checked the Capture output in the JCreator Options.
See an assistant for help with this,
as the bottom pane is usually a more convenient place for messages.
- Checkin your JavaEyes project, tagging it
spelled just like that.
- How to checkin a project (update, add contents, commit, tag)
- What checking out a project accomplishes
- What checking in a project accomplishes
- Why version control is useful
| How to checkin a project
(update, add contents, commit and tag)
by using Tortoise CVS
- Close your JavaEyes project in the proper fashion.
| To close a project:
It is best to leave a "clean slate" when you exit a JCreator project. To do so:
- Window ~ Close All
- File ~ Save Workspace
- File ~ Close Workspace
What, exactly, happens when you compile a program?
What, exactly, happens when you run a program?
Compare your answers with what other people say.
Keep asking other groups (or assistants!) until you are confident
that you know the right answers.
How much time did you spend on Part 1 of JavaEyes?
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